Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

I forgot about this blog :S

 all I can say right now is happy new year and I plan to update this more next year


Thursday, 2 December 2010



going to take picture and upload them here!! stay tuned!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010



wow... that was good old caps lock right there. Anyways she is back! and I plan to play some xbox right now!
so see you guys later!


Monday, 29 November 2010

OH dear lord!

yay snow! in the good old UK its happy days over here!

I plan to build a massive snow man at some point with some friends so should be rather awesome :)

also more good news my xbox will be back tomorrow!!!!!!!

However if the snow stops it from comming I shall be rather annoyed....

anyways not much to say here today but I plan to post reviews of games and films. I also have a neat idea for a new youtube video so stay in touch I will post it here first.

Thursday, 25 November 2010


Not much news to say here but what I will say is that my xbox is about to be fixed :) happy days! so as soon as its back I shall start up the game reviews I wanted. Again not much to say here.... just expressing my happiness at the impending fixing of the xbox :)

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows yesterday so here is my first review!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 is the penultimate film in the Harry Potter series. This film is the big build up towards the last film it details the upcoming wizard war and Harry Potter in his quest to find and destroy all the Horcruxes.

With David Yates doing his third Harry Potter film you can see that the additional experience has paid off. The film starts off immediately with building a sense of unease and unhappiness. With  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows appearing on the screen but instead of the happy golden lettering it is now dark and rusted which helps build the fact that Harry is no longer a child and is going to embark on the most dangerous quest of his life. It then cuts showing all the main characters getting ready to leave their homes. There is one particularly emotional scene where Hermione wipes the minds of her parents to protect them from the up coming wizard war.
There is however one particularly funny scene where Harry is about to leave his old house and there are multiple Harrys on one screen. You even get to see Daniel Radcliffe wearing a bra.
They quickly make their escape but not without losses which builds to the tension that the world of Harry Potter is no longer the fairy land it used to be. When Harry arrives at the Weasley household they have to wait anxiously for the others to arrive.

The Mister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour played by Bill Nighy visits the trio to deliver the final bequests of Albus Dumbledore. Ron receives the Deluminator, Hermione a copy of The tales of Beetle the Bard, and Harry gets the first Snitch he caught in his very first Quidditch match, he also receives Godric Gyffindors Sword however is appears to be missing. However before they can work out what the gifts mean they a forced to run from a death eater attack and are now truly alone with only each other for comfort.

It is at the point Voldemort beings to take control over Hogwarts and the Ministry. To get rid of Muggles and Muggle born witches and wizards he also creates the "You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide" motto. This is reminiscent of world war two with Voldemort enforcers walking around in the wizard version of a SS uniform with red band and all and with then producing propaganda on how 'Mudbloods' are lower beings . When the trio later sneak into the ministry to obtain a Horcrux it is around this point when Daniel Radcliffe, Rubpert Grint and Emma Watson start showing just how well they can act.

When they later obtain a Horcrux they must carry it with them for safe keeping however this cursed item intensifys dark emotions, which brings Harrys and Rons friendship to breaking point. It is at this point where the film starts to dip as the plot needs to be explained and the main characters no longer know what they are doing and it makes the audience feel detached from the characters. However there is a particularly moving scene where Harry and Hermione dance which provides a brief moment of happiness for them both.
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
However the plot around this point is rather hard to follow it feels like the film has presumed that everyone has read the book by this point. So for those who haven't read it might have a hard time following the film. The final stand point in the Malfoy Mansion is a rather dark scene which shows the Malfoy family at breaking point from living in fear the whole time and it gets even darker when one of the main characters is tortured for information. The final part of the Malfoy Mansion where our hero's escape ends on a sad note which is likely to move even the seasoned movie goer.

The film itself looks stunning with all the magic effects done perfectly I particularity liked the Apparition effect. The chase sequence is one of the best bits of the film if it all being shot perfectly while still managing to get a sense of urgency across to the audience.

However the downside to this is that there is not much of Alan Rickman (Severus Snape) who only appears for what feels like a brief cameo. You can't also shake the feeling this is in an incomplete film and the fact that nothing is resolved makes it an unsatisfying. However in saying that it isn't a bad movie you just get the feeling that it is incomplete. We will have to wait until next year to watch the film part of Harry Potter and don't forget to bring your 3D glasses.

Sunday, 21 November 2010


Well that's the xbox sent off. For free I might add! rather surprised thought micro$oft would make me pay stupid amounts in order to get it fixed. So it should take around 2-3 weeks but as soon as it comes back I plan on posted a review! 

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Damn it all!

It is with a very heavy heart that I type this.

My xbox my awesome xbox of two dead. However its not the end of the world as I can get it fixed for free. So I plan to send it off to Micro$oft to get it fixed however they said if they can't fix it they will send me a refurnished console I am going to flip out. I mean who the hell wants a old console?!?! so my plan is that if this happens I am going to complain my ass off till they A give me a new one or B They give on of those nice shiny new ones :)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


Today is a sad day :(

I am very sad to say that my xbox  of two years has died. My precious xbox the Elite version I might add is dead. Turned in on this morning to see a little red line pop up on the bottom left hand side and this glorious error popped up. Now this little gem of error is called error E74 which means that A my HDMI cable is broken (I'm hoping its this) or B the chip in the xbox that processes video and audio is broken. There are ways to fix DIY style but this involves opening the xbox up and fiddling around with the insides. I'm not going to do that because I don't want to break it more and then be really f**ked. So I have sent of an email to Micro$oft xbox support and I will be posting how it is going on here. Really not looking forward to dealing with them they have a history of being the worst customer support after Dell.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Black ops

Right I have given in. After seeing all these black ops videos and reading reviews it looks like its a game I should buy. So later today money permitting I am going to buy this game and will be posting a review about the game. So watch this space and I will be making a post with my own review.

peace out :)

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Poppy Burnings

As I'm pretty sure most of you have heard of the poppy burning thing that happen recently in the UK and now because of this the good old racist side of England has emerged again. Just look at any of the 'sane' right wing media and you will see what I am talking about.

The main thing that annoys me on this is that some people cannot understand that 30 do not have the same views at the other 2.5 million Muslims. Yes I admit they took it too far and that something should be done about it but don't judge a whole religion just because there are some who take it to far. Wait a minute I have heard this before... oh wait yes it was world war 2 were Hitler decided that all Jews were lower beings and thought that they should be killed. Lets not go down this road again I would rather not have another world war on my hands

I just hope that one day we can get past all this religion rubbish and just accept people for who they are.

Anyways there is at least one sane group left on Facebook and its this!/pages/30-extremists-not-25-million-Muslims/141588179224039?v=wall
Join it and show people that there are some sane people left in the world

Friday, 12 November 2010

Oh microsoft

Oh Micro$oft make me laugh getting all up tight about Kinect. Well maybe if it wasnt such a shitty product and you weren't so uptight about the products you release maybe there wouldn't be such a big fuss. I mean the fact alone its not open for other developers is just another epic micro$oft fail. I mean it got hacked in two days that just also shows whoever the hell programs at micro$oft can't do it to save their life.

anyways the main thing I wanted to post was this :)

I'm think Tony Stark and Minority Report. The only way is up!!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Thats Better

after some sleep I can now continue my rant of the peter popoff. This man is truly insane...well maybe not insane I would say clever this man is clearly very smart when you think about it. Using people faith and stupidity to get their money but if you ask me if you are stupid enough to believe that this 'miracle water' can fix money problems then you deserve you have all your money taken.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

oh my god....

Just watch a bit of tv with my mother and she was just randomly channel surfing when we came across this man called Peter Popoff. This bloke is crazy he basically sells water and claims that it will solve all the money problem you have through faith in god... I just don't understand it...

Im going to go google this bloke and see what turns up

Well then

Right I suppose its time to get into this blog can't do it half arsed really can I?

Today was a bit of a meh day didn't do that much. Went to college did some work nothing really that good happened oh woe is me!.

Big thing that caught my eye today would be all the protests about the rise in tuition fee in the UK. Today around about 50,000 people protested the rise in the fees. There were also a few that took it too far and decided to start breaking things... morons its because of them that teenagers get a bad name. Anyways the link is below for those who want to read more about this.

I shall also start posting some game reviews here soon

Sunday, 7 November 2010

So I have started blogging then...

Well it looks like I have entered the blogging scene not sure what I am going to do with this page....

But I am pretty sure we will find out soon reckon it will be me talking about games, films, tv stuff on the news and other things that have caught me eye.

Anyways for now enjoy this video